You are the answer?

I really don't have any idea why you, why me:
You're not the answer to a question I was asking, I'm not an answer to a question at all
You're not the answer
to a question at all
 I was looking for an answer..  I wasn't answering  any questions
But not to my question    Not your question?  What's your question?
No, what's your answer What's the question my dear?
Are you an answer for a
question I'm not asking?
Find the question, you'll know your answer my love,                                  

We're not answers to questions we
were asking, not nor never
long  ago.

Your not an answer,               Your a question I was asking
you're a question     long ago
 I was asking yesterday lonnng ago

Yesterday Long ago

Now the answer                    Yes dear? (spoken)[spoken for this word only}]
to the question   What's the question?
Is it you? [spoken]      
What's the answer?   Here's the answer
 Is it?   It is


Then  you're the answer to
    the question I wasn't asking,
and the dream that I held so long ago

We are answers to questions unspoken
The questions that were answered
            Years ago, years ago, years ago..................


Then the answer   Yes the answer

Is love
Is love
      Issss Love!

[creshesndoscendo curtain falls]

Read  the left column as a tenor/baritone voice, the right column as
    a soprano, the middle  column  as  both  together  []  instructions.
    First song, for you, for me, for we.


November 1995
Charles Grifor

copyright ©: 1995-2002. IHC/Squeaky Sam's

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Revised: January 17, 2002